Concrete Sea Walls in Florida and South Georgia
Conquer your most challenging water-related projects with a concrete sea wall solution proven to perform in complex water conditions. Redi-Rock sea walls are engineered to protect shorelines and save neighborhoods from flooding, even in record-setting storms. How can Truemont help with your next sea wall?
Protect Your Property With a Redi-Rock Sea Wall

Interlocking Strength
Ranging from 1,400 lbs to 4,840 lbs, Redi-Rock blocks are engineered to withstand the most challenging water applications. The rugged stone texture of these interlocking blocks also helps to break up wave action and slow down channel flow.

Efficient Installation
Massive Redi-Rock blocks are machine set, speeding up the installation process compared to small block walls or natural stone. A simple installation sequence and easy-to-use installation resources make installing a Redi-Rock wall incredibly efficient!

Impressive Durability
Manufactured from 4,000 PSI structural-grade concrete, Redi-Rock blocks perform well in submerged fresh and saltwater conditions. With no metal fasteners or pins to corrode over time, gravity and reinforced walls excel in water applications.
What is Redi-Rock?
Watch the video and find out how the dynamic Redi-Rock system can solve your water-related retaining wall challenges. From detention ponds and channel stabilization to sea walls and shoreline protection, Redi-Rock has your solution!

Water Application Guide
Explore successful Redi-Rock sea wall projects and the technical resources that made them possible.
Download this free guide featuring case studies, wall cross sections, and additional resources to build confidence in your next sea wall design.